The push I neededThe push I needed
It’s hugely enjoyable – and rewarding – to work with Tina. She’s a great listener and really encouraging. But more than this, she’ll get you where you want to be. Maybe even a little further.’
Empowered to make decisionsEmpowered to make decisions
” Having had an illness recently Tina reached out to help me. Tina is very engaging and easy to talk to. Having gone for a long walk it really helped my thought process and the ability to really open up. Tina helped me with my direction in my head and also empowered me to make the right decisions. I can’t recommend a session or two with Tina enough.”
A time of transitionA time of transition
“Tina helped me navigate through a time for transition in my life. I loved the opportunity to reflect and talk through decisions whilst being outside in nature. Being able to walk through the woods and sit by the sea during sessions created a relaxing atmosphere.
I found Tina approachable, friendly and professional and highly recommend her for life coaching sessions”
The power of changeThe power of change
“Coaching……. What’s that I asked myself before my first session? I now know thanks to Tina McGrath, it’s a way to empower you to ask yourself the questions and to then realise you have the answers and that the power of change is in your hands! I felt SO truly listened to during my sessions, which was no mean feat for poor Tina as I waffled on for about 90% of the sessions. Just now and then she would just ask me the odd question like .. well what are you going to do? Short questions, but very thought provoking which made me find the solutions and actions I needed to take. Before my coaching sessions I wouldn’t want to cause any fuss, I was a peacekeeper, even if it meant forfeiting what I really wanted, but now I realise sometimes you have to speak out and fight for what you want – coaching is empowerment to fight for your dreams.”
Finding the way throughFinding the way through
“When you can’t see the woods for the trees, sometimes you shouldn’t wait around for someone to bang you on the head with a log. Find someone who can teach you how to open your eyes, look around you and see the pathway through the forest. I reached out to Tina and came out of it recognising that this lovely lady is a game changer and even now when I lose my way I know some time with Tina will help me figure it out. It wasn’t at all what I expected, the skill and instinct Tina has to ask the right question, at exactly the right time, to listen and know when to prompt and when to push is a gift”
Making things clearerMaking things clearer
Tina has helpfully questioned me to assist me in clarifying my future direction. Tina’s approach is calm, questioning and supportive; she is able to act as a skillful detached reflector as opposed to guiding the conversation in any particular direction. I have trouble talking about myself and have felt relaxed and talkative as a result of Tina’s style and the environment of trust that she has created. I have thoroughly enjoyed these sessions and they have helped me to clarify my next steps and given me the confidence to pursue these options.