Posted on: Sunday 21st February 2021
Self doubt
How often do you feel like you can’t do something, or that creeping doubt comes into your mind that you aren’t good enough?
I know in the past I have found myself thinking soon somebody will find out I can’t do this. This is called “imposter syndrome” and a recent survey estimated 70% of people experience these impostor feelings at some point in their lives.
It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do feelings like this do occur, so how do we deal with them?
One step is to recognise these thoughts and then to rationalise them. When that doubt enters your mind address it, ask yourself “why am I feeling like this?” is it because I am about to embark on something new and challenging, if that’s the case recognise that it will be challenging and there may be some difficulties along the way and that’s ok, as this is how you learn and grow.
Instead of thinking, “Wait till they find out I have no idea what I’m doing,” tell yourself “Everyone who starts something new feels out of sorts in the beginning. I may not know all the answers but I’m smart enough to find them out.”
Instead of thinking, “Everyone here is brilliant…. and I’m not” go with “Everyone here is brilliant – I’m really going to learn a lot!”
Listen to my motivational message to kick-start you into action!